Download Rice Cooking Contest Entry Form
2024 Rice Cooking Entry Form
The Rice Cooking Contest is open to anyone interested in preparing a dish using RICE.
Rice Cooking Contest
The Texas Rice Festival is proud to announce the 2023 Rice Cooking Contest. This contest has been held since the festival began in 1969!
The winning recipes are published in our Program & Cookbook each year and have become a collector’s item. The contest will be held on Saturday, September 28, 2024, at the Winnie Community Building (located at the South end of the Winnie Park) in Winnie, Texas.
Contestants may enter one recipe per category with a separate entry form for each entry.
Categories are Appetizers, Vegetable or Salad, Main Dish, Desserts.
Age Divisions are Junior (13 & under), Senior (14/9th grade thru 12th grade), Adult and Sr. Adult (50 & over)
Come be a part of Texas Rice Festival history!