Tractor Technician Contest
Tractor Technician Contest
Presented by: The Texas Rice Festival and the Texas Rice Festival Livestock Committee.
This contest is a perfect opportunity for students to get into job training. All of the skills acquired from this event are helpful every day in agricultural, industrial and personal applications. Participants receive hands-on training that empowers them with highly marketable skills that makes them highly employable. Students apply mechanical knowledge and critical thinking and problem-solving skills and interact with industry professionals.
4th Annual Tractor Tech Contest
Where: Winnie Agricultural Historical Museum
307 E. LeBlanc Rd, Winnie, TX 77665
When: Friday September 27, 2024
Start Time: Contest will kick off at 9:00am
Information: The Texas Rice Festival will be hosting its 4th annual Tractor Tech Competition on Friday September 27, 2024. Registration and payment will be done through Judging Card this year. The cost is $20.00 per team. Lunch will also be provided. Please bring a good assortment of tools and a good working multimeter for diagnosing any electrical issues. Scantrons sheets will be provided but please bring good sharp pencils to fill them out. Scores will be given posted at the contest after the awards ceremony. Because of tractor availability due to market conditions we will only be able to accept 18 teams this year. When the registration fills up no more teams will be accepted.
The contest will consist of three parts. The students will have to take a multiple-choice test as well as component appraisal. The component appraisal will consist of 20 components with five questions about each component. The multiple-choice test and component appraisal will be completed on a Scantron card. The tractor de-bug part of the contest will be done by the three person team and will be 30 minutes in duration. Prizes will include belt buckles and assorted tools. The tractors used this year will be Massey Ferguson compact tractors.
Judging Card Site for entry and more details.